The Bach Music Complete Edition: 1,128 Music Works, 142 CDs Plus 16,800 Bach Work Music Sheets and Five More Free Add-Ons! 


That interests you? And you have already read about the 1,128 musical works elsewhere? But not that they exist in a "Complete Edition", better compiled in a Bach Complete Works? Plus, you also didn't know that you can even get the sheet music for these works in very, very few places on the internet? " In one sitting", so to speak? Read on with pleasure. For the first time, you can also visit the store here. There you will find the exciting offer below the 99 music calendars: Bach's music, but there "compact".

That is what it looks like, the "Alte Bach-Gesamtausgabe", which is the "Old Bach Complete Edition".


Indeed, that is it in the picture above: the Bach Complete Edition (Bach-Gesamtausgabe). Let us perhaps no longer call it the "Gesamt-Werk", because Bach connoisseurs and Bach lovers understand this to mean the music itself. And that is "only" the music to listen to. So not the sheet music. If you have already read more about Bach in the project "Bach on Bach" or on the pages of the Renate Bach Publishing House, then you know by now: Nothing in connection with Bach is easy ... that's why there is this, our Bach Mission. Only after three years we found out ourselves: Bach complete works (Bach Gesamtwerk) and Bach complete edition (Bach Gesamtausgabe) are two completely different things. And of course there are several variants of the Bach Complete Works and the Bach Complete Edition: just so that you don't have it too easy.


Why are the Bachs doing such a thing? It is the mission, which we have. With the project and with the publishing house. Not only to conserve historic things ... that is what libraries already do, the Bach Archive in Leipzig and more Bach institutions ... we want to make exciting things findable.


That Is Why the Bachs Are Doing Such a Thing! 


Nope, that's really not "easy going".


Please support our Bach Mission, even when you purchase music gifts from other vendors  learn more about that.



Peter Bach Jr. has been taking pictures for 50 years and for 35 years he has also been doing it professionally. However, August 18, 2015 – a Tuesday – was to be the "personal Mt. Everest" for the fan of the court composer from Eisenach with the same last name: One day ... and nine hours of photography. Nine hours in a stooped, unaccustomed position. Nine hours of turning pages and nine hours of "photographing at a stretch": one photo every five seconds. On average ... and again you can click on the link to get to the shop and there you can also find out about the seven other great free add-ons. Added to the Bach Complete Works and the Bach Complete Edition. By the way, the Bach Complete Works has its own website at the publishing house with much, really much more information. And you can get there via the link in the line before.  ––


Aha, my Publisher wants to sell the Complete Music Works of Bach? Correct. To generate new funds for our further Bach research. Above, it is the current Bach complete works in the 2014 edition. For you, that means the bottom line? The music collection is the latest from the music publisher Brilliant Classic on Bach. Plus there are the six free add-ons, listed in detail below. And all together then is what? The offer of "Bach 4 You" on the subject of Bach's Complete Works of Music. To the store? Gladly.



The Six Free Add-Ons With the Bach Music Complete Edition


... plus you support our common Bach Mission. Thank you for "considering".



What a Bach calendar for Bach fans: It is a combination of modern elements and age-old parts around the composer from Thuringia. The monthly pages are really worth seeing. Are you curious now?


What's Mozart doing here? Again! He advertises one of the traditional composers calendars. On the right it is a music T-shirt ... or also a composer T-shirt.


Two nice music gifts: The Bach Beer Stein from 1985 and the actual Pipe Organ Calendar. There are two historic Bach beer steins and dozens of modern Bach beer steins. Plus, there are six more pipe organ calendars in this year and one more adds every year. They come in three sizes and there are 98 more music calendars. Click to the shop here.


Just a small reminder ... five Bach shops … learn more.



Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at)