Musician Gifts and More Musician Gifts: For Children, for Music Lovers and for Musicians. Of Course!


Musician Gifts. That is, what you are looking for? Musician gifts for music friends or musician gifts for musicians in the circle of friends? If so, then we can offer you something here that you will not find anywhere else on the internet and certainly not "in real life". These are – besides the Bach gifts – our 99 music calendars. Not only will you not find them anywhere else on the internet, you will find music calendars only relatively sporadically anywhere at all: Never to be compared with the offer of lighthouse calendars, animal children calendars or national park calendars ... for example. Well, maybe there are few exceptions as far as music calendars are concerned, and every year there is also a different offer in each theme, but music calendars are comparatively a rarity, because they do not sell like city calendars, kitten calendars and also not like landscape or even flower calendars. As musician gifts, however, they are actually really perfect, because you can hardly go wrong in terms of taste, it is an inexpensive gift and that a person might not like a music calendar and admire it on the wall for a year seems almost really impossible. Here you get right now to the store – that is you need to know that if you are interested in the monthly sheets of a music calendar immediately after your discovery – and ... You can also "turn off" to the store two more times. Many website pages in the "Bach-Mission" have a lot, actually a lot of text. But here, that's it ... at least ... of text. Here are now many, really many pictures and we hope you enjoy discovering them. First, all music calendars are listed here and then also the Bach gifts. So pictures of the Bach gifts. Here you can visit the store again.



The links above will take you directly to the publisher's store. The link here takes you to all five Bach stores … learn more.



Gifts for Musicians: 99 Music Calendars First ... And Bach Gifts Below That: Many, Many Gifts for Musicians


As already mentioned: These are the 99 music calendars from "Bach 4 You". And these are just? Music calendars and more music calendars. You can get to the store via this link. And why should you click on it? To look at the 1,224 monthly sheets for all the calendars. For example. There, in the store, please choose a category and then click on the button of the calendar category of your choice. You will then find the monthly sheets under the information.


Bach Gifts and Composers Gifts


Bach gifts and more Bach gifts plus composers gifts and more composers gifts ... and here you can make another "turn" to the shop.


Pipe Organ Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars Are Music Calendars


Almost the only other exception on this page: One Bach calendar simply has to be seen on this page in a "proper size". And we particularly like this one. Meanwhile, it's the publisher's store and four other online portals where you'll very likely find more Bach gifts than anywhere else in the world. But that's just a side note, because this website page is about musicians gifts. Clicking here will take you to these five options, feel free to decide when you are there


Mr. Mozart on a Bach website in the common Bach Mission. He is allowed. Because on calendars, T-shirts, baby bibs, smartphone covers and so many more gift items both – with him – results in almost countless musician gifts.


A music calendar for children, a music T-shirt for children. So, both are? Right, music gifts for children.


The 1985 Bach Beer Stein and the actual Pipe Organ Calendar, two music gifts for dads and moms, grandpas and grandmas, teachers, music teachers, piano teachers, friends, neighbors. Discover more details in the shop.


Many more Bach gifts, many more music gifts ... even more Bach shops ... what do you think about a short visit?



Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at)