Music Calendars for Children, Music Calendars for Small Children and Music Calendars for Teens ... Plus More Calendars After That


Did you google "music calendar" and "children"? Or "children's calendar" and "music"? Whatever: Here you find children's calendars and more children's calendars ... or, alternatively, music calendars and more music calendars. For children. Excuse me? You didn't click to this page, to read text. You want to explore calendars! This is possible here – on this page – even better than you surely expected. Because under this small text section, after the children's calendar section, there are also the other two sections, namely composers calendars and Bach calendars on offer. Why is that? Because the small calendar publisher "Bach 4 You" offers exactly 60 music calendars. And a Mozart calendar and a Beethoven calendar and a Luther calendar as well. Finally, in the store you will also find the twelve monthly pages of each of the 99 music calendars: together, after all, a whole 720 calendar pages. All these music calendars fit absolutely perfectly into your own home and ... especially, of course, in that of friends. They are the perfect gift for music lovers. And they are at the same time also so-called musician gifts and just ... music gifts. 

Children's Calendars, Children's Calendars ... However, All of Them ... In the Subject of Music


All these 33 children's music calendars are available in three sizes, namely in the sizes A4 (21.0 x 29.7 centimeters / 8.3 x 11.7 inches) and A3 (29.7 x 42.0 centimeters / 11.7 x 16.5 inches) and also in A2 (42.0 x 59.4 centimeters / 16.5 x 24.4 inches). All children's music calendars in the publishing house shop are European style, as we call the full size. In the Zazzle Shop there are also some 50:50 calendars, how we call those, common in the US and maybe more countries in the world (... for kids, for teens, for adult music fans).

Music calendars and more music calendars. For very small children, for children who are no longer so small, for children who are already older and also for children who are no longer children at all. Click on this link to get to the shop and there you will find the monthly pages after clicking on the button below the calendar of your choice. After you have decided for the matching category.



What Now? Bach Calendars, Nothing But Really Cool Bach Calendars 


How great you're still here. And why are there Bach calendars here now? Well ... because Johann Sebastian Bach is simply our common mission. And 20 Bach calendars are not really often found on the internet. And in your bookshop? Pretty sure "not in 1,000 cold winters". Have fun exploring and going to the monthly pages via the shop and there by clicking on the button below the calendar of your choice.


So ...did we promise too much? Bach calendars, Bach calendars, nothing but cool, great Bach calendars. Whole 20 pieces and all put together with a lot of love. And now ... do you now briefly feel like exploring also the many, many monthly sheets? That is possible here via the link and to the Publishing House Shop. 


Just as exciting as the Bach calendar above is the second Bach calendar in this design. It is available in three sizes. And this year and next year. And also in two calendar styles.



Plus? Are There Also Now Composers Calendars and More Cool Composers Calendars? 


Well, why we offer children's calendars in the matter of music is now clear. You also know by now why we offer so many Bach calendars. But why now the composers calendars? Why does "Bach 4 You" offer 20 composer calendars? That ... is quickly explained. We reach about 35 times more people with the topic classical music and can then tell them about Johann Sebastian Bach. That alone ... was reason enough.


Composers calendars for musicians, composers calendars for music fans, composers calendars "for your own use" and composers calendars to make it a gift. So, now do you want to explore these many, many monthly pages? That is possible in the shopSelect a category, click on the category, scroll down: There they all are, the 720 monthly sheets. 


10,000+ Music Gifts, 10,000+ Really Cool Music Gifts


On the left it's a composers calendar, on the right it's a composers T-shirt. To the shop, where you will find the composers calendar. The T-shirt is, what you can buy at Zazzle: Click on one of the buttons below and then choose Zazzle on the following page. 


It is a "paradise" of gifts related to Johann Sebastian Bach for children in five Bach shops  learn more.


Just music gifts: On the left side is one of the smallest Bach biographies of all time. On the right side it is the actual Pipe Organ Calendar. Discover more details in the shop, and you get there via the paragraph above.


Three music calendars, two composers calendars, one Bach calendar: three music gifts. 



Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at)